Phase 1: Lactogenesis (Production of Milk)
COLOSTRUM is a special milk that looks thick, sticky and yellowish.
Colostrum is produced starting from 16 weeks period of gestation. During pregnancy, the hormone PROLACTIN is readily available in the bloodstream, but it does not produce milk due to inhibitory effects from progesterone, estrogen & Human Placenta Lactogen (HPL).
Soon after birth, all these inhibitory factors decline abruptly, leaving the hormone PROLACTIN to do it's job (produce milk).
During the first days after the birth a woman produces colostrum that looks thick, sticky and yellowish. It is only in very small amounts, but is just perfect for your new baby.
Benefits: -Contains large quantities of antibodies and growth factors.
-Enhances the development of the baby’s gastroIntestinal tract
-Natural antibodies act like a first immunization.
-Colostrum has a laxative effect which helps the baby to pass the meconium (the first stool) and helps prevent neonatal jaundice by clearing bilirubin from gut.
This is the milk which some refer as `Susu Basi' or `Stale Milk' because of the yellowish colour and thick consistency. Little do they know that this is the most precious droplets of breastmilk.
Changes of Breastmilk over time |
Phase 2: Lactogenesis 2 (Increase in Breastmilk Production)
During the following 2 to 10 days, the milk, also known as `TRANSITIONAL MILK' increases in quantity and changes in appearance and composition. Milk may still look yellowish due to colostrum content.The immunoglobulins and protein contents decrease whereas fat and sugar contents increase.
This is the period where it is called `Milk Coming In' .
Phase 3: Galactopoeisis (Production of Mature Milk)
Mature milk looks thinner and more watery than cow's milk. Mature milk changes during the length of a single feed to exactly suit the needs of a baby.
Foremilk is the milk that flows at the beginning of a feed is low in fat and high in lactose, sugar, protein, vitamin, minerals and water. As the feed goes on, the milk changes to contain more fat and less sugar (hindmilk).
This is why we have to ensure that whenever we breastfeed, empty one side properly. If need, feed baby on the other side. If baby is satisfied with only one breast, express the milk from the other side.
What happens if you baby gets only foremilk?
-Baby might be less satisfied, gets hungry again fast due to not receiving enough fat content from hindmilk.
-Baby might get tummy upsets and altered stool patterns.
This is why we have to ensure that whenever we breastfeed, empty one side properly. If need, feed baby on the other side. If baby is satisfied with only one breast, express the milk from the other side.
What happens if you baby gets only foremilk?
-Baby might be less satisfied, gets hungry again fast due to not receiving enough fat content from hindmilk.
-Baby might get tummy upsets and altered stool patterns.
ooo baru faham.. hehehe thanx for d info